Generating 8-12 qualified meetings a month with organizations ready to enroll - using AI Outbound Campaigns
At GoCyberside, our mission is to connect insurance & benefits firms with qualified organizations by building rapid and innovative AI Outbound Campaigns that triumph over traditional marketing methods.
How benefitRFP Went from Booking 1 Meeting a Month to Generating $900,000 in Pipeline Value for Their Executive Benefit Solution
The figure above depicts the results from the AI Outbound Campaign we completed that targeted benefitRFP’s target audience for their executive benefit solution.
We found that an AI relevance strategy delivers the best results when targeting enterprises, allowing for our client to secure meetings with startups and platforms valued over $500M+.
How Thrive Benefits Group Went From 0 Leads to Generating $250,000 in Premiums for their Attentive360 Platform
The figure above depicts the results from Thrive’s AI Outbound Campaign we completed that targeted commercial brokers and HR specialists.
We found that utilizing AI to create unique data for each prospect (multiplying the company’s headcount with the estimated savings) allowed us to create a relevant, personalized approach that helped Thrive secure multiple partnerships and premiums.
Here's how we streamline the buying process from A-Z.
We create, set up and launch our client’s campaigns in under 2 weeks. Within the month, our partners often receive 5-8 qualified meetings on the calendar. By the next month, 8-12.
From our analysis of your firm, we would compile a specific leadlist of only organizations that fit your criteria - for example headcount, titles, news, etc. This would ensure that any future deal flow or meetings would match your target profile.
Our AI Outbound Campaigns are set up to send 2,000+ emails a day to potential buyers with intent, and once market validation is achieved - we scale to 10,000. Sky's the limit.
Schedule a call with our partners to see how we can achieve something similar for your own insurance or benefits firm.
This Is For You If You Want To:
This depends on your product. If you have a broad targeting, e.g 20+ employees, USA, we would be able to book more meetings since the barrier to entry.
However if it’s only to 500+ employee corporations, CHROs with less than 3 year tenure, then we would book a lower volume but since it’s targeted, it would be very qualified.
Once you sign on with us, you will be sent a welcome email with the necessary details and a link to book your onboarding call. This call takes between 30-45 minutes.
When we have the necessary information, we create your campaign, which takes 2 weeks and we host a launch call prior to approving all of the material.
The monthly engagement fee covers the infrastructure, team costs and rolling flexibility to launch campaigns. This will allow you to book 5-35 qualified sales calls every single month, placing your CPM at $215.
There is no other outbound demand generation firm that has the same experience in the insurance and employee benefit industry as us.
GoCyberside Capital Partners strictly focuses on partnering with employee benefits and insurance companies, and our proven playbooks in this niche allow us to generate results at a far greater rate compared to a typical ‘lead generation firm’ because they don’t hold the experience.
If you want the job done right, you go to the specialists.
We would need for you to join the onboarding and launch call (one hour cumulatively) and join the slack channel.
Apart from showing up to the meetings we bring you, that’s about it!
Step 1 is finding your target market. We would use our access to databases to filter out and find the contacts. Once we do, we would verify it and enrich it using our AI technologies.
This enrichment process would use an AI model to go through each contact and find the unique signal we prompted - e.g, pull the name of the CHRO in this company.
It is based on your criteria. Non-qualified meetings are not billed.
The reason why we work in both employee benefits and the commercial insurance space is because the two industries are adjacent, so the offer structure is incredibly similar.
Additionally, Thrive is an insurance agency.